Love Comes From The LORD, Family And Spiritual Groups


Erased All Your Data 資料全刪除

It is funny to read what Ted illustrated. I'm very impressed! By accident it is possible that all our data were erased. However, it is not funny at all when it really happened in our life.One of my friends has experienced the above situation many times while writing e-mail. A few minutes ago I just received an e-mail appeared to be error code that I can not read. I remembered all my data were disappeared by accident during the first month I wrote my master dissertation in 1991. That is what I wrote during that month was gone because one of my classmates facilitated me and tried to segment the memory of my notebook computer.

There are two kinds of erasing our data. one is by accident, another is by promise. Today I change my approach and I have different point of view about erase my data. Sometimes I hope I can erase my data of my life. But who can do that ? Who can renew your life, give you a new life with the new data, new start? Can you image the day all your data of your life were erased? That is what our God Father promises in the Revelation as follows.

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away." And he who sat upon the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new." Also he said, "Write this, for these words are trustworthy and true." And he said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the fountain of the water of life without payment. He who conquers shall have this heritage, and I will be his God and he shall be my son.( Revelation 21:4-7 RSV)

Ted描繪的真有意思,令我印象深刻!這是事實,在我們生活中遭意外時所有的資料可能全被刪除.當這樣的事實際發生時,就是一件不怎麼有趣的事,並不是鬧著玩的.我一位朋友在寫電郵時經驗這樣的事好幾次,當費盡心思寫好的信寄出時卻變成亂碼,真是欲哭無淚.但由於不習慣先寫在文書軟體中存檔的緣故,只好再重覆做一次相同的事. 只是整個心情當下常顯得低落與懊惱.幾分鐘前我才收到一封亂碼的電郵,是提供留言板的設計者所寄來的.這樣的信我無法讀,但也不確定對方願不願再重寫重寄一次. 以下就是我所收到的信 ,是不是比火星文字更像火星文字:


資料全被刪除有兩種,一種是因為意外,一種是因為應許. 現在我開始學習以不同的觀點來看資料被刪出這件事.其實,有時我還蠻希望我生活的資料能被刪除,一切重新來過.但誰有這能力呢?誰能給我們一個新的開始,新人,新生命與全新的生活呢?你能想像當你的舊人與舊生活被塗抹的那一天嗎?然而,這正是為何普世歡迎慶復活的理由. 這也正是上帝在聖經啟示錄中所應許的恩典:




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