Love Comes From The LORD, Family And Spiritual Groups


Keep Trying and Learning 不斷的嘗試和學習

I use the basic blog temperate that blogger provides today for reasons.

As the above cartoon describes, to read the manual is very important in the beginning. I am still learning this lesson. I have the same thought as Ted when I try to revise my blog temperates.

As I expected that the blogger provides the nice tool and function to choose, design and develop the temperate you want as long as you you use the basic temperate they supply.

I did not use the basic temperate the blogger provide because most of them were produced in 2005. However, I chose to use the blogger and to wait and see what they will improve and provide in the future.

While I making my effort to solve the problem of some temperates after building my blogs at two and half months, many authors write articles to introduce and recommend the breakthrough of the blogger. I hope this test will be a positive experiment.

當初經多方的考慮與評估,最後決定使用博客來建立我的部落格. 老實說,這是一個不容易的開始.因為博客不像無名或痞客邦等平台容易進入,單要外掛音樂到部落格就足以讓外行人禿頭.如同這漫畫所傳達的,要閱讀說明書很重要.只是要看懂使用手冊本身就有些困難度,你也許很能體會我所説的一二.


正當我建置部落格兩個半月後,正努力要解決部落格版模和設計本身的諸多限制和問題時,適逢博客也在此時推出如此令人叫好的服務與功能,因此我以此部落格為實驗品來親自品味試驗一下這博客官方版模與自行設計組合的絕妙. 希望這是一次正面令人愉悅的冒險旅程,請拭目以待!



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