This week I make a new friend with a blogger. He is dealing with his blogs in different site.One is for the Chinese and the other one is for the English speaking people. My new friend is more professional, he has ever written articles to introduce how to revise the CSS of specific blog's temperate. Even he constructed a blog for his wife well.
I know what my new friend is doing. Now there are many place and entry we can choose to build our blogs. The more place we have, the more advanced computer we need just as Ted illustrated. This week I try to learn the CSS language and I have the same feeling as my new friend and Ted.
We all need another computer, a more advanced computer!!! We all need another life, a more advanced life likewise. Who can gives us such life? A life that we can work as a more advanced computer or live as a new person. My friends and guests, I hope you also know that only Jesus can give us a new and eternity life, for He has risen!
這禮拜我交了一位博客的朋友, 他正將他的網誌分放在不同的平台. 一個是為華人,一個是為英語人士.我這位新朋友在電腦部落格方面比我專業很多,不但寫了這方面的文章教人如何修改一些特定部落格版模的CSS語言. 甚至,他還為他太太小小另建新的部落格供太太練習寫網誌,是屬於年輕族群的新好男人.
我知道我這位新朋友正在忙什麼. 現在有許多免費的地方和平台可供我們選擇建立我們的部落格.正如Ted所觀察到的事實,有愈多的網誌平台,我們也需要愈先進的電腦處理.本週我努力的想自行學習CSS語言,所以也約略能體會一些我這新朋友和Ted的經驗和感受.
我們都需要另一台電腦,一台更高階的電腦!!!我們也都需要另一個人生,一個更高品質的人生.只是誰能給我們這樣的生命與生活呢,讓我們能像高階電腦一樣工作或活得像一個新人? 希望我的朋友和訪客們也能知道,只有從死裡復活的耶穌能給我們一個更新更高品質的永生,這就是為何普世歡騰慶祝聖誕節與復活節的意義與原因. 祝福你的人生也有耶穌,寧願有耶穌!