The virtual world is a hot issue as Ted illustrated today. Sleeping well is a blessing described in the Psalm 127:2. "I t is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep." (RSV) I know many people suffer the insomnia, even some of them are still very young. Is that you? If so, I suggest you to grasp the promise of the Psalm 127:1 and rest in the LORD.
I often need to be reminded through the divine word, for I am just a sinner and a limited human. "Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain." God's bread fills my body and my heart with joy and peace as well as hope and love. It enables me to surrender, be humble and rest in the LORD.
God creates the real world, human invents the virtual world. No matter how you enjoy or suffer severely in the virtual world. Only Jesus Christ can give us the true and steadfast reality and identity. I wish you have the great sleep and blessing than I in the real world.
虛擬世界已成為今日熱門的話題,正如泰德在多前所觀察與描繪的. 睡得好是蒙福的結果,這也是上帝的恩典與起初的設計. 聖經詩篇一百七十二篇二節說:你們清晨早起,夜晚安歇,吃勞碌得來的飯,本是枉然;惟有耶和華所親愛的,必叫他安然睡覺. 我知道現今有許多人因失眠而苦,有些甚至還很年輕. 這是否是你呢?如果是的話,那麼詩篇一百七十二篇一節的應許正是為你預備的,牢牢的抓住神的話幫助我們在主裡得安息.
正是上帝的恩言使我能在主面前安穩,謙卑與降服. 我時常需要被上帝的聖言所提醒,因為我只是一位有限的罪人. 充滿智慧,財富與權勢的所羅門王這樣告誡世人:若不是耶和華建造房屋,建造的人就枉然勞力;若不是耶和華看守城池,看守的人就枉然警醒。當我吃足了上帝的天糧時,我的身心靈就充滿在主裡的愛心與盼望,以及平安與喜樂.
上帝創造了真實世界,人卻發明了虛擬世界. 也許你正十分享受或極度忍受這虛擬的世界,但願你能體會和經驗,只有耶穌能給我們真實和安穩的定位與價值. 我祝福你能睡得香甜,美夢連連超過我在這真實世界中所承受的上頭恩福.