Love Comes From The LORD, Family And Spiritual Groups


An Accident In Life 生命中的意外

Life is not an accident, yet too often there is an accident in life. When an accident was happened in life, it is the time to make a new start or stop. It seems no one welcomes such accident in life, for we always expect success and prospection.  We trend to explain or supposed that no accident is a blessing life, but it is not.

An accident can be a hidden agenda and blessing from the Above, as Ted illustrated.  Do you agree with me? To build up my blogs, there are so many accidents happened in my life. You can say that I build this blog by accidents. And now it becomes popular among my blogs. How do you view and interpret it?

生命不是一個偶然或意外. 但是, 生活中我們常遭遇這些.今天我一位朋友的部落格就發生狀況,完全無法正常顯示與連網. 當偶然或意外上門時,往往這正是新的開始或需要開始停下腳步的時刻. 一般而言,生命中的偶然或意外幾乎不全人受任何人歡迎.因為人們總是期待一帆風順,成功和昌盛,並且我們傾向將沒有偶然或意外的人生解釋為一個蒙福的人生.但事實並非如此.

生命中的意外可能是上帝所賜隱藏的祝福,如同Ted所描繪的. 你同意嗎? 其實,在創設與經營部落格中遇到諸多意想不到的意外狀況可說是家常便飯,已不是什麼新鮮事. 我也算是在偶然中建置[生之追尋]這個部落格,這並不在當初的預期與計劃中.但有心插花花不開,無心秧柳柳成蔭.根據這兩天的統計分析,它卻成為為居我部落格群中流行和受歡迎之冠. 你又如何看待和解釋這現象呢?



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