Love Comes From The LORD, Family And Spiritual Groups


Do You Become Invisible? 你是否變成看不見的?

Do you become invisible as Ted asks? I do not know your answer, but I do have many thoughts about the INVISIBLE. If you check on the online dictionaries, you will know INVISIBLE means 'impossible to see', 'that can not be seen' or 'connected with a service that a country provides , such as a banking or tourism , rather than goods'.

Some of my friends become more INVISIBLE after I wrote the addiction serial articles recently. Some of them reduce their time to play the online face book games obviously. Actually most of us are new friends, we indeed need time to know more about and support each other. However, it is more important for my new friends to keep life well-balanced and healthy than our new friendship. So I chose to write what is good for my new friends and accept this result as I expect.

It reminds me when I was still very young, one day my mother cancelled our daily newspaper without notification in advance. I can understood her good intention, though I did not feel well, neither. For my eldest sister was too much addicted to respond us at that time. That is, she or we become INVISIBLE. Therefore, It is by this way my mother facilitated the proper interaction and relationship when our family ate meals together. 

It is easy to perceive the contrast between what Ted try to illustrated how the virtual world had hindered human life and the real world God creates. I used to use this word 'INVISIBLE' only to describe the nature of God and His kingdom positively before. In 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 Apostle Paul mentions Jesus' resurrection to encourage the early emerging church. He used this term ' the things that are unseen' to describe the glory of God's kingdom. 

Let's read
2 Corinthians 
4:16-18 one more time in detail and keep in mind, o.k.? 'So we do not lose heart. Though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed every day. For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, because we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen; for the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.' (RSV)

您是否正如泰德所說, 變成看不見的或無法被看見呢? 我不知您的回答,但對於'看不見的'我有許多的想法. 如果您查線上字典,你將知道'看不見的'有幾的定義和用法. 它可以指'不可能被看見', '無法被看見'或'和一些無形的服務相聯結'. 所以它有'無法被肉體看見'和'肉眼所看不見的'意思與用法.

自從前幾天寫了一系列網路線上遊戲成癮系列文章後,我一些網路朋友變得比較'無法被看見的'. 其中若干人很明顯的減少了上臉書的時間和次數. 事實上他們大部份都是我的新朋友, 我們真的需要多點時間才能多了解和支持彼此. 然而,我這些新朋友生活的平衡和健康比發展我們之間的友誼更重要. 所以明知道可能會有這種結果,我還是寫心中對他們有益處的話.

我們很容易從泰德所描繪虛擬世界如何干擾人現實生活與上帝所創造的真實世界中,看到明顯的對比. 其實'無法被肉眼看見的'這個字在從前我通常只用來正面的形容上帝和上帝國的正面屬性和特質. 使徒保羅在聖經哥林多後書四章十六到十八節中,他以耶穌的復活來鼓勵初代的教會. 他使用'所看不見的'這個詞來形容上帝國度的榮耀. 

讓我們將哥林多後書四章十六到十八節的經文再一次仔細讀一次,以此共勉並記在心中,好嗎? '所以,我們不喪膽。外體雖然毀壞,內心卻一天新似一天。我們


Do You Need More Sleep? 你需要更多睡眠嗎?

The virtual world is a hot issue as Ted illustrated today. Sleeping well is a blessing described in the Psalm 127:2. "I t is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep." (RSV) I know many people suffer the insomnia, even some of them are still very young. Is that you? If so, I suggest you to grasp the promise of the Psalm 127:1 and rest in the LORD. 

I often need to be reminded through the divine word, for I am just a sinner and a limited human. "Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain." God's bread fills my body and my heart  with joy and peace as well as hope and love. It enables me to surrender, be humble and rest in the LORD.  

God creates the real world, human invents the virtual world. No matter how you enjoy or suffer severely in the virtual world. Only Jesus Christ can give us the true and steadfast reality and identity.  I wish you have the great sleep and blessing than I in the real world.  

虛擬世界已成為今日熱門的話題,正如泰德在多前所觀察與描繪的. 睡得好是蒙福的結果,這也是上帝的恩典與起初的設計. 聖經詩篇一百七十二篇二節說:你們清晨早起,夜晚安歇,吃勞碌得來的飯,本是枉然;惟有耶和華所親愛的,必叫他安然睡覺. 我知道現今有許多人因失眠而苦,有些甚至還很年輕. 這是否是你呢?如果是的話,那麼詩篇一百七十二篇一節的應許正是為你預備的,牢牢的抓住神的話幫助我們在主裡得安息.

正是上帝的恩言使我能在主面前安穩,謙卑與降服. 我時常需要被上帝的聖言所提醒,因為我只是一位有限的罪人. 充滿智慧,財富與權勢的所羅門王這樣告誡世人:若不是耶和華建造房屋,建造的人就枉然勞力;若不是耶和華看守城池,看守的人就枉然警醒。當我吃足了上帝的天糧時,我的身心靈就充滿在主裡的愛心與盼望,以及平安與喜樂. 

上帝創造了真實世界,人卻發明了虛擬世界. 也許你正十分享受或極度忍受這虛擬的世界,但願你能體會和經驗,只有耶穌能給我們真實和安穩的定位與價值. 我祝福你能睡得香甜,美夢連連超過我在這真實世界中所承受的上頭恩福.


Are You Addicted? 你是否上癮入迷?

Have you ever addicted to anyone or anything? Are you now addicted to face book or Farm Ville? This month I decide to play the games of the face book for reasons. I found there are numberless games and we can use increasingly to indicate this situation.

Recently I have heard at least three friends of the internet claim that they are addicted to different kind of face book's games. Even one wife of them present her advice and protestation while her husband just enjoy in planting and expending his land of the virtual world. 

Can you image this? While this husband is celebrating the expending or the new project with a internet lady, yet his beloved wife feels angry and disappointed very much.  I know both what this couple feel and protest well, it is just as Ted illustrated here.  And this is part of the reasons why  that I rare write my blog these two weeks.

We know there is another world , that is a virtual world. Is that you, you are so preoccupied that people have to wait for you just a minute? Trying to slay a  nine-headed dragon with your new Sword of the Dark Gods? Are you enjoy to be a hero, a rich, successful and valuable personal in this virtual world? 

What is your identity and reality? What is your focus and priority ? It is true that "Everything is permissible"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible"—but not everything is constructive.(1 Corinthians 10:23 NIV) "Everything is permissible for me"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"—but I will not be mastered by anything. (1 Corinthians 6:12 NIV) Let's think about it and apply it. 1 Corinthians 9:25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.

你是否曾耽迷過任何人或事?你是否對臉書或開心農場上癮入迷?這個月基於數個原因,我決定要玩玩臉書的遊戲. 結果我發現有數不完的遊戲而且還不斷的在增加中.泰德在此所描繪的十分傳神,不是嗎?這也是為何這兩週我較少寫網誌的部份原因.


事實上還有另一個世界,就是人造的虛擬世界. 你是否正是泰德在此所描繪的主角呢?你是否已被虛擬世界所佔據,以致你週遭的人需要再等你一下呢?你是否正試著要以黑暗之神所賜的劍去追殺那九頭怪龍呢?是否你正在虛擬世界中享受成為一位有價值,成功,富裕英雄的成就與喜悅呢?

你真實的身份與認同是什麼呢?什麼是你的異象焦點與優先呢? 聖經說的是事實:凡事都可行,但不都有益處。凡事都可行,但不都造就人。(林前10:23)凡事我都可行,但不都有益處。凡事我都可行,但無論那一件,我總不受它的轄制。(林前6:12) 讓我們一起再思並實踐它。 凡較力爭勝的,諸事都有節制,他們不過是要得能壞的冠冕;我們卻是要得不能壞的冠冕。(林前9:25)


On The Road To Success 通往成功之路

Do you dream there are supposed to be feather beds and silver platters on your road to success as Ted illustrated here? Have you ever felt you went the wrong way, for what happened in your life was in just opposite to what you expected and assumed?

In my point of view, that kind of expectation and hypothesis is one of the obstructions hinders us to success. I have mentioned the concept in 'An Accident in Life' that people trend to explain or supposed that no accident is a better and blessing life, but it is not. Life is not like that way, Isn't it? But there is another greater grace from the Above enables us to overcome tests, temptations, dangers, frustrations in this world. That is what a true successful and blessing life needs!


依我看這種期待和看法正好是妨礙我們邁向成功的主要障礙之一. 我在先前[生命中的意外]一文中曾提出這個概念,人們傾向解釋或假設沒有意外狀況的人生是較佳和蒙福的人生. 事實並非如此,生活並不是那樣的,不是嗎?



Erased All Your Data 資料全刪除

It is funny to read what Ted illustrated. I'm very impressed! By accident it is possible that all our data were erased. However, it is not funny at all when it really happened in our life.One of my friends has experienced the above situation many times while writing e-mail. A few minutes ago I just received an e-mail appeared to be error code that I can not read. I remembered all my data were disappeared by accident during the first month I wrote my master dissertation in 1991. That is what I wrote during that month was gone because one of my classmates facilitated me and tried to segment the memory of my notebook computer.

There are two kinds of erasing our data. one is by accident, another is by promise. Today I change my approach and I have different point of view about erase my data. Sometimes I hope I can erase my data of my life. But who can do that ? Who can renew your life, give you a new life with the new data, new start? Can you image the day all your data of your life were erased? That is what our God Father promises in the Revelation as follows.

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away." And he who sat upon the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new." Also he said, "Write this, for these words are trustworthy and true." And he said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the fountain of the water of life without payment. He who conquers shall have this heritage, and I will be his God and he shall be my son.( Revelation 21:4-7 RSV)

Ted描繪的真有意思,令我印象深刻!這是事實,在我們生活中遭意外時所有的資料可能全被刪除.當這樣的事實際發生時,就是一件不怎麼有趣的事,並不是鬧著玩的.我一位朋友在寫電郵時經驗這樣的事好幾次,當費盡心思寫好的信寄出時卻變成亂碼,真是欲哭無淚.但由於不習慣先寫在文書軟體中存檔的緣故,只好再重覆做一次相同的事. 只是整個心情當下常顯得低落與懊惱.幾分鐘前我才收到一封亂碼的電郵,是提供留言板的設計者所寄來的.這樣的信我無法讀,但也不確定對方願不願再重寫重寄一次. 以下就是我所收到的信 ,是不是比火星文字更像火星文字:


資料全被刪除有兩種,一種是因為意外,一種是因為應許. 現在我開始學習以不同的觀點來看資料被刪出這件事.其實,有時我還蠻希望我生活的資料能被刪除,一切重新來過.但誰有這能力呢?誰能給我們一個新的開始,新人,新生命與全新的生活呢?你能想像當你的舊人與舊生活被塗抹的那一天嗎?然而,這正是為何普世歡迎慶復活的理由. 這也正是上帝在聖經啟示錄中所應許的恩典:



I'm Not Willing To Listen To 我不想聽

Can you image a person has ears, but  does not want to listen to ; has a heart but intends to interpret things subjectively or without warmth? In what way can we improve life if we are not willing to listen to any idea that is eggheady, smartypantsy, high-falooting, or just too different? How can we solve the core problem if we escape to face and solve the key trouble?

Is too different equal to too difficult for you?  Last week my friends told me their president has similar mindset just as Ted illustrated. Ted figured out the majority mindset of the presidents in this world. I remember I had the mindset when I communicated with the one assisted me or those I loved before. But I did not sense something wrong at that time, until someone treated me in the same way in recent year.

It seems everyone has the so-called "president mindset" sometimes, isn't it? Only when we can face it bravely that we can look forward to transforming with maturity and responsibility, don't we?

你能想像一個人有耳卻不想聽,有心卻主觀或冷漠地解析事物嗎? 如果我們不願聽任何明哲或不同的聲音,我們能以什麼方式改善人生呢? 若我們一昧逃避面對困難與關鍵,我們如何能解決主要的問題呢?

對你來說,太不同是否等同於太困難?上週我的朋友們告訴我,他們的會長擁有和Ted所描繪很類似的心態. Ted指出這世上會長的大部份心態.我記得過去我和助手或所愛的人溝通時,有時確實也會如此.但是當時我卻不覺得有任何不對勁,直到近幾年有人也以同樣的方式對我時我才深切的體悟.似乎每個人裡面都住著一個會長,能夠勇敢地正面交鋒才是成熟與負責,不是嗎?


How Does Your Blog Work ? 你的網誌如何運轉?

This week I make a new friend with a blogger. He is dealing with his blogs in different site.One is for the Chinese and the other one is for the English speaking people. My new friend is more professional, he has ever written articles to introduce how to revise the CSS of specific blog's temperate. Even he constructed a blog for his wife well.

I know what my new friend is doing. Now there are many place and entry we can choose to build our blogs. The more place we have, the more advanced computer we need just as Ted illustrated. This week I  try to learn the CSS language and I have the same feeling as my new friend and Ted.

We all need another computer, a more advanced computer!!! We all need another life, a more advanced life likewise. Who can gives us such life? A life that we can work as a more advanced computer or live as a new person. My friends and guests, I hope you also know that only Jesus can give us a new and eternity life, for He has risen!

這禮拜我交了一位博客的朋友, 他正將他的網誌分放在不同的平台. 一個是為華人,一個是為英語人士.我這位新朋友在電腦部落格方面比我專業很多,不但寫了這方面的文章教人如何修改一些特定部落格版模的CSS語言. 甚至,他還為他太太小小另建新的部落格供太太練習寫網誌,是屬於年輕族群的新好男人.

我知道我這位新朋友正在忙什麼. 現在有許多免費的地方和平台可供我們選擇建立我們的部落格.正如Ted所觀察到的事實,有愈多的網誌平台,我們也需要愈先進的電腦處理.本週我努力的想自行學習CSS語言,所以也約略能體會一些我這新朋友和Ted的經驗和感受.

我們都需要另一台電腦,一台更高階的電腦!!!我們也都需要另一個人生,一個更高品質的人生.只是誰能給我們這樣的生命與生活呢,讓我們能像高階電腦一樣工作或活得像一個新人? 希望我的朋友和訪客們也能知道,只有從死裡復活的耶穌能給我們一個更新更高品質的永生,這就是為何普世歡騰慶祝聖誕節與復活節的意義與原因. 祝福你的人生也有耶穌,寧願有耶穌!


An Accident In Life 生命中的意外

Life is not an accident, yet too often there is an accident in life. When an accident was happened in life, it is the time to make a new start or stop. It seems no one welcomes such accident in life, for we always expect success and prospection.  We trend to explain or supposed that no accident is a blessing life, but it is not.

An accident can be a hidden agenda and blessing from the Above, as Ted illustrated.  Do you agree with me? To build up my blogs, there are so many accidents happened in my life. You can say that I build this blog by accidents. And now it becomes popular among my blogs. How do you view and interpret it?

生命不是一個偶然或意外. 但是, 生活中我們常遭遇這些.今天我一位朋友的部落格就發生狀況,完全無法正常顯示與連網. 當偶然或意外上門時,往往這正是新的開始或需要開始停下腳步的時刻. 一般而言,生命中的偶然或意外幾乎不全人受任何人歡迎.因為人們總是期待一帆風順,成功和昌盛,並且我們傾向將沒有偶然或意外的人生解釋為一個蒙福的人生.但事實並非如此.

生命中的意外可能是上帝所賜隱藏的祝福,如同Ted所描繪的. 你同意嗎? 其實,在創設與經營部落格中遇到諸多意想不到的意外狀況可說是家常便飯,已不是什麼新鮮事. 我也算是在偶然中建置[生之追尋]這個部落格,這並不在當初的預期與計劃中.但有心插花花不開,無心秧柳柳成蔭.根據這兩天的統計分析,它卻成為為居我部落格群中流行和受歡迎之冠. 你又如何看待和解釋這現象呢?


Enduring Imperfection 忍受不完美

It is a life lesson and process to endure imperfection of this world. To build the blogs is not only a special  training way to mold patience, endurance and humiliation for me.Through this process my heart but also yearn for the Christ-like character more than before. Now I can realize the reason that people said the Microsoft had prefered to produce a new software more than to fix the problem of a old software. Maybe it is as well as what Ted try to tell us as mentioned above.

學習承受這世界的不完美是一個生命的功課和過程. 建構部落格對我來說,不只是型塑我耐心,挫折容忍度與謙和的特殊方式. 因此歷練與學習,我的心也比昔日更加渴慕像基督耶穌的性情.我現在終於較能了解為何有人說,微軟傾向推出新軟體勝於努力去修復舊產品的問題.或許那是因為要解決先天性或後天的不足或缺陷,正如這漫畫所傳達的,是像去處理另一個核子大戰後的現場那像辛苦與費時的理想.


Keep Trying and Learning 不斷的嘗試和學習

I use the basic blog temperate that blogger provides today for reasons.

As the above cartoon describes, to read the manual is very important in the beginning. I am still learning this lesson. I have the same thought as Ted when I try to revise my blog temperates.

As I expected that the blogger provides the nice tool and function to choose, design and develop the temperate you want as long as you you use the basic temperate they supply.

I did not use the basic temperate the blogger provide because most of them were produced in 2005. However, I chose to use the blogger and to wait and see what they will improve and provide in the future.

While I making my effort to solve the problem of some temperates after building my blogs at two and half months, many authors write articles to introduce and recommend the breakthrough of the blogger. I hope this test will be a positive experiment.

當初經多方的考慮與評估,最後決定使用博客來建立我的部落格. 老實說,這是一個不容易的開始.因為博客不像無名或痞客邦等平台容易進入,單要外掛音樂到部落格就足以讓外行人禿頭.如同這漫畫所傳達的,要閱讀說明書很重要.只是要看懂使用手冊本身就有些困難度,你也許很能體會我所説的一二.


正當我建置部落格兩個半月後,正努力要解決部落格版模和設計本身的諸多限制和問題時,適逢博客也在此時推出如此令人叫好的服務與功能,因此我以此部落格為實驗品來親自品味試驗一下這博客官方版模與自行設計組合的絕妙. 希望這是一次正面令人愉悅的冒險旅程,請拭目以待!
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