Love Comes From The LORD, Family And Spiritual Groups


What Do You Want? 你想要的是什麼?

What do you really want? Little inexpensive easy-to-use gadget? Or more expensive,complicated and compounded one? What do you think and how do you respond the above description?  

On the way to Taipei, I am often surrounded by many different inexpensive or expensive gadget on the train. People's lifestyle has been utter altered by modern technique obviously in recent years.

Honestly speaking, I do not hate those modern gadget. On the contrary, I just used a slide widget in my blog yesterday. However,I can not ignore the fact that those apparatus usually produce harmful radiations at the same time. The more I use it, the more it harm my health. In what way I can keep myself away from those harmful radiations when I take the public transportation? Please contact with me if you have better way to solve it.



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